The Karlovy Vary Festival
16. July 2004
Recently the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (KVIFF) in the Czech Republic has come to an end. KVIFF has the license of the so-called A festivals, where also the festivals in Venice, Berlin and Cannes belong.
AGROIND VIPAVA 1894 Ltd. company from the town of Vipava.
On the day of the premiere the festival in Karlovy Vary was also visited by the Slovenian ambassador to the Czech Republic, Mr Drago Mirosic, who took the whole Slovenian team for lunch and kindly assisted with the organization of the feast.
We travelled to the festival in a RENAULT Traffic van; it was lent to us by the a href="">Renault company, which we had already co-operated with at the promotion of Slovenian films at the film market in Cannes.