The Films Gravehopping and Tea celebrate in Sofia
27. March 2006
At the 10th international film festival in Sofia (9th - 19th March) the film Gravehopping by the director Jan Cvitkovič won a new award: it bested all of the competition in the Balkans Section and won the No Man's Land Award.
The award is given by the association of Bulgarian film critics. The award consists of a diploma and a crate of No Man's Land wine.
The film was produced by Staragara and supported financially by the Slovenian Film Fund.
The expert jury gave the first prize of the festival to the Russian film Garpastum by the director Aleksej German Junior.
Another Slovenian film, which is still in pre-production, also received an award: the Award for Best Project Pitching went to the film Tea by the director Hanna A.W. Slak and producer Dunja Klemenc. The award consists of a diploma and 4000 Euros.
Shooting of the film is to begin this summer; it is to be produced by Gustav film and Studio Maj and supported financially by the Slovenian Film Fund.