Slovenian Reality Check in London

10. October 2006
Slovenian Reality Check in London

He denoted documentary as »creative treating of reality«, which is by organisers and selectors of the London event »Reality Check« in their brochure still seen as »the best description of the genre«.

Curators Renata Clark from the London Czech Cultural Centre and Fritz Urschitz from the Austrian Centre as well in London have invited significant documentarists from Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, and Slovenia to the event. With their opus they are to show their authorial development in understanding of documentarity, and at the same time the event would make it possible to compare different authors.

The »Reality Check« took place from 6th to 10th October in the Riverside Studios Theatre. Films by Austrian director Michael Glawogger, Czech director Helena Trestikova, Polish Stanislaw Mucha, who currently works in Germany, Slovak director Marko Skop, and Slovenian Filip Robar Dorin has been screened. On Sunday, 8th October, Filip Robar Dorin  presented two of his full-length films; Rams and Mammoths he made in 1985 and Aven Chavora made in 2005.

Although between the two films the former state fell apart as well as its ideology, the relations towards minorities remain problematic. When made, Rams and Mammoths were marked a »farce about Slovenian xenophobia and relations towards emigrants in Slovenia«. The film won the Grand Prix  at the International Film Festival in Mannheim. In the film Aven Chavora Dorin worked on the current and painful issue of relation of Slovenian majority towards the Roma community.

The director  also announced both films and after both screenings presented himself to the audience.

Presentation of the significant Slovenian filmmaker and his confrontation with other poetics from the Central and Eastern Europe can be a great incentive for young Slovenian directors that still do not work on our reality check enough.

The event in London was made possible by the Slovenian Film Fund in cooperation with the Slovenian Embassy in London.